Clean Elections San Diego
Hi Everyone,
It’s that time! It’s all hands on deck! Our first step in getting the San Diego City council to put clean elections on the November ballot is coming up. We will first go before the City Council Rules Committee at 9 AM on Wednesday, April 18. This is a committee made up of five City Council members and we will have to have the votes of three of them to continue. If we have that, the clean elections measure will be sent to the City Attorneys office for review. After that, we will have to go before the rules committee a second time. If we get three or more votes again, we get to go before the full council for an up or down vote!
What can you do, right now, to help build council support? Call your council member and let them know that you support clean elections! Can you do that? Can you make this quick call and then get your neighbor and family members to make a call?
Just a quick “I support clean elections and I hope the council member will vote for clean elections“ will suffice but your choice of words and the length of your call, is up to you. The important point is to just make the call. Council members count the number of calls coming in on all subjects. Just by calling in, you make a difference!
The phone numbers for our City Council members are listed below.
The agenda for the Wednesday, April 18 Rules Committee will be out by April 12. Once we get that, we we will send out a second notice on how you can make your support known to the Rules Committee at their meeting. You will have three options. You can attend the Rules Committee downtown at City Hall, you can email in your support to the city council or you can call in when clean elections is before the committee.
Thanks again for your support! We are in this together and together, we can transform San Diego politics by ensuring that all San Diegans have a real chance to run for city council and win, not just wealthy candidates or candidates with special interest “big money” backing.
San Diego City Council Members and their phone numbers
District 1 -Joe LaCava – 619-236-6611
District 2 – Jen Campbell – 619-236-6622
District 3 – Stephen Whitburn – 619-236-6633
District 4 – Henry Foster – 619-236-6644
District 5 – Marni von Wilpert – 619-236-6655
District 6 – Kent Lee – 619-236-6616
District 7 – Raul Campillo – 619-236-6677
District 8 – Vivian Moreno – 619-236-6688
District 9 – Sean Elo-Rivera – 619-236-6699
For more information, call John Hartley: Clean Elections San Diego
Coordinator, at 619-299-8870