November 2022

Clean Elections San Diego
Clean Elections Update
Hi Everyone,
We have suddenly been given a great opportunity.  A letter to the editor on the need for campaign finance reform was published in the U/T on November 4. Our opportunity is to have more letters to the editor printed in the U/T which agrees with the need for campaign finance reform
The original letter is printed below.  It is entitled: Campaign finance reform is needed.
 So, to move our campaign for clean elections forward, could you send in a letter to the U/T?
It is easy to submit a letter.  It is best to refer to the original letter,  and share why you support campaign finance reform? The more letters on a topic, the more likely the UT will print them, so If you don’t have much time, just jot down some of your thoughts and send it in.  And if you want to write out a well thought out and written letter, great.  The U/T will decide which letters to print.
The U/T wants your letter to to include your name, community of residence and a phone number.  They do not publish the phone number.  They need it to call you if they decide to print your letter.   Send your letter to
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me at 619-299-8870 or
John Hartley, Clean Elections San Diego

Campaign finance reform is much needed

Re “Midterm political spending shatters records” (Nov.4): This article clearly shows the need for campaign finance reform.  All that excessive spending on political ads perpetuates the U.S. wealth gap. Billionaires donate to Republican candidates because their policies reduce taxes on the rich and reduce regulations on the billionaires’ businesses.  How does benefit the ordinary American? It does not.
We need government to keep us safe from pollution, unfair business practices that squash the little guy, discrimination of many kinds and crime.  How much more housing would that $16.7 billion buy? How much better could the education system be with more funding?  We could make strides in lessening the effects of climate change.
Please, let’s not let money buy elections.
Sandy McMullen
Check out our web page at
Posted in General, Newsletter.

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