Frequently Asked Questions About Clean Elections
What area will the San Diego Clean Elections measure cover?
The City of San Diego
How does it work? Candidates who wish to earn the right to run as clean elections candidates, MUST:
- Show that they have significant support by being able to raise a large number of small, $5 donations towards the clean money fund.
- Agree to voluntary spending limits.
- Agree to take no campaign contributions from private donors.
- Agree to put no money into their campaign from their own pocket.
- They will then receive full public funding for their campaign
Would the San Diego Clean Elections measure require everyone to use it?
No, it is strictly voluntary. Candidates can also run traditional campaigns as before, by using their own funds or by soliciting special interest funding.
How can a Clean Elections candidate run a competitive campaign?
Clean Elections will pay for itself by limiting political payback giveaways and sweetheart deals, given in exchange for campaign contributions by developers and special interests.
What areas in the U.S. have clean elections?
There are many entities that currently have publicly funded elections across the United States including the states of Arizona and Maine.
Have clean elections been successful elsewhere?
Arizona and Maine, which have had clean elections since 2000, have seen Clean Elections level the playing field. It allows regular, everyday residents and more women and people of color to serve in office. Also, it has shown that you do not need to be wealthy to run for office and it has limited the impact of the special interests like the Koch brothers.
Why is it OK to spend public funds on political campaigns?
Using public funding for Clean Elections candidates is an appropriate use of public funds because our city’s political leaders make decisions that impact every San Diegan and those decisions should be for the benefit of all San Diegans, not just for the wealthy and powerful.
What is the organization behind the San Diego Clean Elections measure?
Clean Elections San Diego, whose goal is to empower all San Diegans and all San Diego neighborhoods through Clean Elections. Their motto is “Give Neighborhoods A Say!”
Who will administer the San Diego Clean Elections measure?
The Ethics Commission which currently monitors San Diego city elections has been tapped to administer the San Diego Clean Elections measure.
What is the web page for Clean Elections San Diego?
Who do I talk to if I have a question about clean elections?
Contact John Hartley, Campaign Coordinator, at 619-299-8870 or